09 December, 2007


Boroondara Residents Action Group (BRAG) is a registered association whose principal purpose is to represent, protect and further the interests of the residents of the City of Boroondara and of people with similar interests.

Its membership comprises people committed to protecting what we love about our neighbourhood.
BRAG incorporates the activities and membership of the previous organisation: "Camberwell Station Action Group".
MAIN Site: www.brag.asn.au email: info@brag.asn.au Post: PO Box 1034, Camberwell 3124, Tel 9882 4453. Associations Incorporation Act 1981 No. A0054624J Our main web site contains information on the activities of BRAG and useful links to other sites with relevant information. We are also on Facebook.

We gratefully acknowledge all the volunteers that help us with their time and contributions - BRAG would not exist without you.

THANK YOU to all the individuals and families who have recently joined BRAG. Your contributions will assist us continue the battle to "protect what we love about our neighbourhood".
Current membership is now around 600 residents and small business operators in Boroondara and we are constantly striving to increase membership.
To become a member of BRAG download the application form (above). For more information ring Mary on 9882 4453