16 May, 2017

PLAN MELBOURNE 2017 - 2050

The state Labor Governmnent's recent introduction of the new Plan for Melbourne includes changes to the residential zones which will result in more density in our residential suburbs. 
It is the result of recommendations from a comittee made up of academics and representatives of the development industry without any resident representation. So what's different? This has always been the case with the planners saying they know what's best for us.
The current requirement of a maximum of two dwellings on one block has been scarapped so there will now be no limit. And folllowing the Minister for Planning's outburst in parliament criricizing Glen Eira and Boroondara' s residential zones he has made sure that the established suburbs will in future be forced to accept 70% of all new development and has relaxed the protection previously provided.
A copy of our email to residents right across Melbourne is attached above.
We expect that the residents will react vigorously against this latest plan for Melbourne which will very quickly change the way we live.
*Watch this space re the residents' of Melbourne response.
*See details for rally on the steps of parliament in the post above.

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