04 July, 2013

New Residential Zones Announced

The Minister for Planning announced on Friday 28th June 2013 the new zones including a Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) that will require new construction to meet neighbourhood character requirements as set by council as well as a mandatory maximum height of 8 metres.

The new NRZ will help to protect our residential areas from unacceptable,opportunistic, multi-storey development in Melbourne's suburbs

Some councils have already carried out their neighbourhood character studies and are ready to proceed in identifying where the different zones will apply in their own municipalities. It will be essential that councils get cracking so the zones will be in place before the next election because the Shadow planning Minister, Brian Tee, is not in favour and intends to push on with the very flawed Melbourne 2030 planning blueprint and no one wants that.

BRAG has lobbied hard to have our residential areas protected and we thank the Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy, for listening to us and making these changes possible.

Refer the attached media release for more information.

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